What is GTALCC

Malaysia is one of the most rapidly urbanising countries in Asia, with more than 70% of the population living in urban areas. The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions levels in Malaysia are high compared with other countries at similar stages of development. More than half of Malaysia’s emission sources are directly related to urban settings, with emissions mainly coming from the energy sector (76%), the waste sector (12%) and the industrial processes sector (6%). The electricity and transportation sub-sectors are the biggest contributors to emissions from the energy sector.

Malaysia and its cities must decouple its economic growth and GHG emissions or risk being locked into unsustainable development pathways. Though a national goal to limit carbon emissions has been set, major barriers still limit the widespread adoption of low carbon integrated development for Malaysian cities. These include:

  • Incomplete policy and regulatory framework for low carbon development, especially at the sub-national levels
  • Lack of awareness and institutional capacity for evidence-based low carbon planning at the sub-national levels
  • Lack of capacity of cities to mobilize finance and incentives in promoting low carbon investments

GTALCC is a 5-year project which facilitates the implementation of low carbon initiatives in Malaysian cities, showcasing a clear and integrated approach to low carbon urban development.

What is the goal of the project?

  • To generate GHG emissions reductions of 346,442 ton CO2 eq by the end of project.

What does GTALCC aim to do?

  • Remove barriers to low carbon planning and development in Malaysian cities.

Where will the project be implemented?

Participating cities :

  • Putrajaya
  • Cyberjaya
  • Petaling Jaya
  • Hang Tuah Jaya
  • Iskandar Malaysia

What are the executing strategies?

  • Policy support to promote integrated low carbon urban development.
  • Awareness and institutional capacity development.
  • Low carbon technology investments and demonstration projects in cities.
Component 1
Policy support
  • Develop and facilitate approved city policies, legislation’s and regulations for integrated low carbon urban development.
  • Establish GHG accounting framework and decision-making tools for national and sub-national levels.
  • Develop low carbon development plans and investment programs for participating cities.
Component 2
Awareness and Institutional Capacity Development
  • Strengthen coordination mechanisms both vertically between federal and local levels, and horizontally across stakeholders at each level
  • Provide training for policy decision makers, local governments, green practitioners and financing institutions on urban planning processes
  • Develop knowledge management systems for low carbon city development
Component 3
Low Carbon Technology Investment in Cities
  • Enhance the design of the Bus Rapid Transit System in selected cities
  • Facilitate a dedicated financing mechanism to support the scaling up of low carbon public transport
  • Scale up green technology incentive schemes in target cities for households and SMEs
  • Implement demonstration projects on electric vehicles and charging station infrastructure, and on-site waste processing